A downloadable game

"W" and "S" to walk forward and Backwards

"A" and "D" to go sideways

"Shift + "W" to run

This is just a walkthrough to showcase the power of this VR software.


village.zip 661 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and then unzip it. 

Double click on the exe file to start.

When you first unzip the exe file you may get a warning from Windows. This is because it did not come from the Microsoft store.  It is safe to run

Select "More Info" and go to "Run Anyway"


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Just had a little wander through the village. Loved it. Really helped me get into the groove/envision a little settlement when writing my Viking themed D&D campaign! :D nice work!




I used the Sample scene that came with the package and then just added to it. I normally do not include things that I did not create  myself but I thought it was just to amazing not to share.

I usually bought map content too, when developing more complex things. It would take me years to design all the maps for a full 3D game. So that's fine. Hope you don't mind I watched only the screenshots - may I ask, what is rendering it?

URP, I use URP so I can switch it to full VR if I want to.